
No one can deny the fact that the circumstances under which we live do change not merely from time to time but from moment to moment and, rightly, we do manage to adapt ourselves to those changes. If our adaptation is right, that’s a good opportunity for us to experience the joy of delightful happenings in our lives.

On the other hand, if our adaptation is wrong, our lot cannot but be the experience of bitterness resulting from painful happenings in our lives. Nido Qubein, the noted American motivational speaker, has rightly said, “Change brings opportunity” – a fact no one can argue about! But do changes always give us opportunities that will honour what is in our minds and take us in that direction?

That of course depends upon — as said earlier — the manner in which we respond to the changes. If the manner is right, the changes will provide us success-opportunities. But if the manner is wrong, the changes will provide us only failure-opportunities.

And so it is that we need to be constantly be aware that change per se never fails to bring with it immense opportunities as well as risks. When the risk is faced and handled judiciously, the opportunity ends in success and jubilation. But if the risk takes the upper hand because we are unable to handle it prudently, opportunity is bound to end up only in failure and frustration.
There will be none to oppose the fact that suitable adaptation to changes is very important in our lives. We must hence learn to adapt ourselves in such a way that whatever happens post-adaptation, happens for our good and the good of everyone around us. That must be our firm belief. We should not at all be afraid of changes. Not all changes are demons, though, most of them coming only as angels. It will not be an exaggeration to say that it is in our hands to make changes act like an-gels or demons.
We must develop a strong belief that changes are always for our good and that they cannot do us harm unless we permit them to do so. In other words if we handle them as we ‘learn to adapt. Things change, circumstances change. Adjust yourself and your efforts to what is presented to you so you can respond accordingly. Never see change as a threat, because it can be an opportunity to learn, to grow, evolve and become a better person.”

This excerpt is taken from the book ‘ Opportunities to Grow and Glow’ by S.Devaraj. For more information on the book : Click Me!